What is Intuition
There is a knowing that lives in our bones, or perhaps something deeper. Maybe it is the intelligence that we are born with, so it’s in our DNA or the stardust and stuff that makes up our soul. I was born as a spiritual being with connection and knowing and feeling. I just had a conversation and the understanding of intuition was explained as what is right versus wrong. I believe that can be part of intuition, but I also believe that intuition is a personal knowing and understanding. Intuition is something that tells us that something isn’t right and it is something that can pull us in the direction of our soul’s purpose. When we talk about our calling or following our dreams, or pursuing a passion, that is intuition. When we know we shouldn’t open up to someone because they’re not worthy of trusting with something sacred to us, that is intuition. Intuition wears many hats and we are taught to listen and trust our intuition, or we are taught to ignore it because of pleasing someone else.
I believe that I unlearned my intuition because of familial and societal pressure. All the “should dos” and the placing others’ feelings above my own versus trusting my internal signals caused me to unlearn my intuition. I was meant to be satisfied with what I was given. I wasn’t supposed to want more because it was seen as selfish. Any time I said I wanted something, I was told to “want in one hand and s*%t in the other and see which one fills up the fastest.” I was told I had everything I needed “food, clothing, and shelter”. When I was uncomfortable around a relative, I was told it was rude to not hug them goodbye. I was taught to ignore my inner voice. I was taught that I wasn’t as important as everyone else. I couldn’t trust my intuition and yet it remained. I just learned to keep it quiet. I talked myself out of it.
Intuition is the voice inside us. Intuition is the longing. Intuition is the excitement that lives and breathes within our beings. Intuition is the rage felt over watching someone else be invaded or harmed or not honored. Intuition is the living, breathing, spark within all of us that says we are capable of creating. Intuition is the knowing that something is right because of the peace that we feel with it.
As a woman, coaching other women, knowing other women, I hear stories all the time about women doing things just to please another person. I ask - What do you want? What brings you joy? Very frequently I am met with the response that includes creating happiness for others. I think wanting this for others is noble, loving, and kind, but what about what you want for yourself? I also have conversations with women who are riddled with guilt for feeling the longing for something more or for something better. There is so much guilt for saying that good enough isn’t good enough. There is guilt around recognizing that their wants and dreams are pulling them opposite the place they currently stand.
There has to be a middle ground.
How do we start rewriting the narrative for young women to claim their space? How do we encourage them to unapologetically follow their dreams? How do we, the older generations of women start to acknowledge our intuition so that we may set a good example for those who are younger? How do we, the mothers, the sisters, the grandmothers, and the daughters see other women and push them to go after what they want? How do we raise our voices in support and protection for the ones who need us?
What does the voice inside you say?
What do you want?
What makes your soul shine and sing?